With the cold front moving through Florida, ( It's currently 47 degrees) I ended up getting sick again. My throat burns and my chest is all congesty. My feet and hands are constantly cold. Someone sure lied when they said Florida was the sunshine state.
I will say though, I was bawling last night. Mother in law gave us this three shelf glass stand (It only had 2 shelves because one broke).
I have this tea set (Bunny would love it, it has Bunnies all over it, has little tea cups, the saucers for them, little spoons, napkin holders, the tea pot, the cream pitcher and sugar dish) that Patrick got me a few years back. Said set has been through four owners. First Mother in laws friend, then mother in law, then sister in law, then me. She had it in a yard sale so Hubby got it for me. One of the first nice things he got me, in other words, the thing was so old, the box was really faded.
When we lived in the apartment, I never put it out. When we moved here, I took it out of the box and then set it up on the kitchen counter. Once Brother in law moved in, I moved it again due to his microwave.
So I had my tea set displayed on the glass stand. I understand dogs will be dogs but Spaz ( the brother in laws pitt bull, has been really going after Daisy the past few weeks) lives up to her name.
My baby was on the loveseat sleeping soundly, when Spaz ran in and bit at her, waking Daisy. Now she's just like her Momma, mad as a wet hornet when she is woke up. Daisy snapped at Spaz and laid back down to sleep. I told Spaz five or six times to stop and lay down.
I had just adverted my attention for a second when Spaz started bouncing around again..All I heard was Thump, Thump, Crash and a shatter.
She ran into the stand and bumped it enough for the top shelf to slip off it's holding and crash onto the second shelf, which in turn broke in half ( at a diagonal angle) and landed on top of my tea set.
There is only six or seven peices that survived the crash. The entire set as well as one of my shelves are gone. I still get teary eyed when I think about it. That was the first nice thing my husband really got for me and I held onto it for years. I looked online before and that set can't be found anywhere.
While I am upset, I would have been irate if it had been the glass unicorns and horses my dad got for me before he died and I recieved them for that Christmas.
I can't believe it's gone. I know it's just material but still. For once Daisy didn't do anything to Spaz to warrent that behavior. Yeah I know he was supposed to be gone on the first but he is still here. I knew hubby wouldn't kick him out.
Other than that, still raising dragons and still trying to stay warm. I need to update my dragons on my blog but I am so tired. I haven't been doing much online. Now if I could just find Akiyama-san's address I would be set.
I am off to sleep now. This Theraflu is kicking in quick. Hopefully I won't be down for long with this but knowing how hard it is for me to get better, I foresee me being cramped in bed this weekend, which bites because we were going to take Daisy to Petco to be spoiled.